The Astronomer
Jan Vermeer
Self Portrait
Leonardo da Vinci
Sir Isaac Newton
Godfrey Kneller
Wilbur Wright in his Flyer
Leon Pousthomis
Charles Robert Darwin
John Collier
Leonardo Da Vinci
English School
The Heart and the bronchial arteries
Leonardo Da Vinci
Charles Wagner Tattooing A Client With His Newly Patented Tattoo Machine. C.1905
Truncated and elevated hexahedron with open faces by Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
First steam powered airship designed by Henri Giffard, 1922
French School
Architectural study
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nikola Tesla
Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity
Peter Jackson
Diagram of a mechanical wing by Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
The Industrial Revolution
Ronald Lampitt
The Big I Am 2, 1988 (acrylic, Ink On Paper)
Ralph Steadman
Samuel Colt Holding One Of His Percussion Revolvers
American School
Wilbur Wright in flight
French School
Early Transistor Radio, 1950s
English School
The Invention Of The Art Of Drawing
Joseph Benoit Suvee
The Ferris Wheel At The Worlds Columbian Exposition Of 1893 In Chicago Bw Photo
American Photographer
Detail of a design for a flying machine
Leonardo Da Vinci
Submarine and European Telegraphs advertisement
English School
History Of Printing, First Test Of The Bible Printed By The Press Of Johannes Gensfleisch Gutenberg
Unknown Artist
Abbe Nollets Electricity Machine, 1746
French School
Polemoscope, Copy By Boris Mestchersky
French School
Spectacles For All Strengths Of Vision
Cornelis Jansz. Meyer
The Large Astronomical Telescope Of Johannes Hevelius 1611-1687 Illustration From Machina Coelestis
Polish School
Electric train designed by Thomas Edison
Angus McBride
James Watt The Man Who Harnessed Steam
Frank Marsden Lea
A Steam Car From 1825
Bill Lacey
Design For A Perpetual Motion Machine, 1834
French School
Semaphore Signalling System, C.1794
Claude Chappe
Portable Steam Engine, Designed By Maudsley, Sons & Field, 1828
English School
Oxen Drawing A Pulley, Illustration From 'de Machinis'
Mariano Di Jacopo
A Marine Steam Engine, 1832
James Nasmyth
Models Of 'les Forces Movvantes', From Bonnier De La Mosson's Cabinet De Physique
Jean Baptiste Courtonne
'puffing Billy', C.1905
English Photographer
1st Device Used By Louis Pasteur For Making Of Beer, 1870, Engraving
Lanterna Magica Magic Lantern In The 19th Century, Engraving
Projection With A Magic Lantern At 18th Century, Engraving
Study for the head of a soldier in The Battle of Anghiari
Leonardo Da Vinci
Vertically standing bird's winged flying machine
Leonardo da Vinci
Dodecahedron by Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci
The Penny Farthing
Peter Jackson
Wilbur And Orville Wright And Charlie Taylor Put A Plane On The Launch Rail For The First Army Flight At Fort Myer, Virginia, In July 1909 (b/w Photo)
Harris & Ewing
Small front view of church squaring of curved surfaces triangle elmain or falcata
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
English School
Icosaedron elevatum vacuum by Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Aircraft machine has been reduced to simplest shape wings directly put on human body by straps
Leonardo Da Vinci
Sickle tank
Leonardo Da Vinci
Cyrus H McCormick and his reaping machine
Newell Convers Wyeth
Leonardo Da Vinci by English School
English School
Scythed Chariot
Leonardo Da Vinci
Detail of a Centralised church
Leonardo Da Vinci
Study of a man blowing a trumpet in another's ear
Leonardo da Vinci
Guglielmo Marconi at his radio transmitter
Ron Embleton
Children Inspecting The Orrery, Detail
Joseph Wright Of Derby
Alexander Graham Bell Inaugurated The New York Chicago Long Haul Line, October 18, 1892
American Photographer
The Wright Flyer I Makes Its First Flight Of 120 Feet In 12 Seconds, At Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 10.35am, 17 December 1903
John T. Daniels
The Invention Of Drawing By Francois Boucher
Francois Boucher
Invention Of The Lifeboat, Willie Wouldhave, South Shields, 1789, 1896
Ralph Hedley
Archimedes Demonstrating His Invention To King Hieron Of Syracuse
Domenico Antonio Vaccaro
Study Of The Wooden Framework With Casting Mould For The Sforza Horse
Leonardo da Vinci
Law proclaiming the purchase of the rights to the photographic inventions of Daguerre and Niepce
French School
Thomas A. Edison Sitting By His Invention, The Phonograph, 1878
American Photographer
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) And His Associate Used One Of Their Inventions To Locate A Bullet Shot In President James Abram Garfield (1831-1881) To Assassinate Him, 1881 Engraving Of The 19th Century
American School
Portrait Of American Inventor Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791- 1872) Before His Invention
American School
Harvester From Cyrus Hall Mccormick, American Agricultural Engineer Invention Of 1847 Colourful Engraving, 19th Century
American School
Phone Ader In 1878 Invention Of Clement Ader One Of Phone Pioneers In France, Engraving
Apples in Halves
Julie Nicholls