The Light of the World
William Holman Hunt
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
Heinrich Hofmann
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
English School
The Death of Jesus
Romeo and Juliet
Frank Dicksee
Supper at Emmaus
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
William Adolphe Bouguereau
Ballerina on pointe
Edgar Degas
The Last Supper
Jean Baptiste de Champaigne
Woman Behold Thy Son
Jesus ascending into heaven
William Brassey Hole
Pieta Marble Sculpture By Michelangelo Buonarroti
Jean Leon Gerome
Even in the darkness of our sufferings Jesus is close to us
Elizabeth Wang
Christ Calling the Apostles James and John
Edward Armitage
Saint Veronica
Guido Reni
Salvator Mundi
Leonardo da Vinci
The Communion of the Apostles
Christ on the Cross
Matthias Grunewald
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Christ on the cross
Diego Velasquez
What is Truth Christ and Pilate
Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
Jerusalem in her Grandeur
Henry Courtney Selous
Abraham Janssens van Nuyssen
The Confession of Saint Longinus
Head of Christ
Franz Von Stuck
The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem
The Women at the Sepulchre
Harold Copping
The Descent from the Cross
Peter Paul Rubens
The Virgin Mary cared for her child Jesus with simplicity and joy
Elizabeth Wang
The Eucharist
Francisco de Zurbaran
The Veil of Veronica
Domenico Fetti
Saint Veronica
Hippolyte Delaroche
Christ in the Sepulchre Guarded by Angels
William Blake
Christ Leaves his Trial by Gustave Dore
Gustave Dore
Christ on the Cross and the Good Thief
Christ on the Cross
Guido Reni
A Study of Rodin's Kiss in his Studio
Gwen John
Jesus At The Last Supper
Chinese School
One of the Soldiers with a Spear Pierced His Side by Tissot
The Entry Of Christ Into Jerusalem
Santi Di Tito
Eternal Springtime
Auguste Rodin
The Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist
Leonardo da Vinci
The Sudarium of Saint Veronica
Claude Mellan
Christ expelling the moneychangers from the temple
Albrecht Durer
The Ascension
Jean Francois de Troy
In our sufferings we can lean on the Cross by trusting in Christ's love
Elizabeth Wang
The Entombment, 1883
Antonio Ciseri
Christ Carrying the Cross
Andrea Solario
Jesus Appears to the Holy Women by Tissot
The Agony in the Garden
Guiseppe Cesari
Jesus Mocked Oil On Canvas
Philippe de Champaigne
Christ on the Cross
Mihaly Munkacsy
The Agony in the Garden
Luca Giordano
Jesus Christ points us to God the Father
Elizabeth Wang
Passion of Jesus Christ mosaic
European School
Christ The Man Of Sorrows
Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Christ as the Man of Sorrows
Carlo Dolci
Couple In An Embrace
The Taking Of Christ, 1602
Michelangelo Merisi Da Caravaggio
Still Life with Passion Pods
William Packer