Nocturne in Black and Gold - the Falling Rocket
James McNeill Whistler
The Fourth of July
Childe Hassam
The Declaration of Independence
Founding Fathers
Signing the Declaration of Independence
John Trumbull
Signing the Declaration of Independence
John Trumbull
Signing the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776
John Trumbull
Central Park New York City July Fourth by Maurice Prendergast
Maurice Prendergast
Sailboat And Fourth Of July Fireworks, 1880
Winslow Homer
Signatures attached to the American Declaration of Independence of 1776
Founding Fathers
The Declaration of Independence
American School
John Hancock signs the American Declaration of Independence, 4th July 1776
American School
The Grand Finale
Lendall Pitts
Georges Barbier
Signatures Of John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson And Benjamin Franklin On Declaration Of Independence
American School
Fourth Of July Number 1, 1927
Florine Stettheimer
Feu d artifice
Konstantin Andreevic Somov
Fourth Of July Parade 1886
Alfred Cornelius Howland
Battle Of Maida, July 4th, 1806, Engraved By Thomas Sutherland B C 1785 Engraving
William Heath
Fourth Of July American Flag, 1926
American School
Central Park, New York City, July 4th
Maurice Prendergast
Charge Of The 17th Duke Of Cambridges Own Lancers At Ulundi 4th July 1879, 1879 Watercolor
Orlando Norie
Signing The Declaration Of Independence, July 4th, 1776 Engraved And Pub, By Nathaniel Currier 1813-88
John Trumbull
Uncle Sam On The Fourth Of July, 1907
American School
Fireworks, 1929
Konstantin Andreevic Somov
Uncle Sams Birthday, 1918
American School
Congress Voting Independence, C.1795-1801
Robert Edge Pine
The Centennial Fourth Illumination Of Independence Hall, 1876 By Schell And Hogan For Harper's Weekly Magazine Litho B/w Photo
American School
Fireworks Over Venice Pastel On Paper
Lucien Levy-dhurmer
The Path Of The Sun Through The Stars On The Night Of The 4th July 1442, From The Soffit Above The Altar, C.1430
Giuliano D'arrighi Pesello
Tammany Society Celebrating The 4th Of July, 1812, 1869
William Chappel
The Battle Of Ulnudi On 4th July 1879, C.1880
Adolphe Yvon
Zarghoona, Panshir Valley, Afghanistan, 4th July 2002
Jacob Sutton