Nocturne in Black and Gold - the Falling Rocket
James McNeill Whistler
The Declaration of Independence
Founding Fathers
Signing the Declaration of Independence
John Trumbull
Signing the Declaration of Independence
John Trumbull
Engagement Between the 'Bonhomme Richard' and the ' Serapis' off Flamborough Head
Richard Willis
The Battle Of Lexington, 19th April 1775
William Barnes Wollen
Washington Crossing the Delaware River
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Writing the Declaration of Independence, 1776,
Leon Gerome Ferris
Washington Crossing the Delaware River
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Portrait of George Washington Taking The Salute At Trenton
John Faed
Washington Crossing the Delaware River
Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Naval Battle in Chesapeake Bay
Jean Antoine Theodore Gudin
Declaration of Independence
American School
The Parthenon
Louis Dupre
The Fourth of July
Childe Hassam
The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill, 17th June 1775
John Trumbull
Battle Of Saratoga, The British General John Burgoyne Surrendering
John Trumbull
First recognition of the Stars and Stripes
Edward Moran
Portrait of George Washington
Charles Willson Peale
The Boston Tea Party
Luis Arcas Brauner
The Surrender Of Lord Cornwallis At Yorktown, October 19, 1781
John Trumbull
Signing the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776
John Trumbull
Execution of the Defenders of Madrid
The Battle of Bunker's Hill on June 17th 1775
John Trumbull
Drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776
Newell Convers Wyeth
The Declaration Of Independence, July 4, 1776
John Trumbull
The Battle of Bannockburn
Ron Embleton
The Battle of Navarino
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky
The Declaration of Independence
American School
Benjamin Franklin
Joseph Wright of Derby
General George Washington At Trenton, 1792
John Trumbull
Signatures Of John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson And Benjamin Franklin On Declaration Of Independence
American School
George Washington at Princeton
Charles Willson Peale
Passing the Outpost
Alfred Wordsworth Thompson
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Central Park New York City July Fourth by Maurice Prendergast
Maurice Prendergast
Lord Howe and the Comte dEstaing off Rhode Island
Robert Wilkins
George Washington
Gilbert Stuart
George Washington at Valley Forge
Tompkins Harrison Matteson
Boston 1770, boys pelting a British sentry with snowballs
English School
The First Meeting of Washington and Lafayette in Philadelphia, August 3rd 1777
Currier and Ives
Boston Tea Party
Ron Embleton
John Hancock signs the American Declaration of Independence, 4th July 1776
American School
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Belley
Anne Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson
Washington Crossing the Delaware River
Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze
Battle of Bennington
Frederick Coffay Yohn
The Grand Finale
Lendall Pitts
Portrait of General Thomas Gage
John Singleton Copley
Benjamin Franklin Appearing before the Privy Council
Christian Schussele
The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777
John Trumbull
The Ride of Paul Revere
Clive Uptton
Washington entering New York on the evacuation of the city by the British on Nov 25th 1783
Currier and Ives
The Declaration Of Independence
Ron Embleton
War Of Independence Of The United States 1775 1783, Circa 1782
Richard Paton
Second War Of Independence Battle Of Magenta 4 June 1859 By Girolamo Induno
Anonymous Artist
Second War Of Independence Battle Of Magenta June By Girolamo Indundo
Anonymous Artist
Third War Of Independence The Wounded At Bezzecca July Painted By Sebastiano De Albertis
Anonymous Artist
Third War Of Independence Charge Of The Genoa Cavalry At Custoza June Painted By Giuseppe Gabani Detail
Giuseppe Gabani
Second War Of Independence The Battle Of Magenta June By Girolamo Induno Detail
Anonymous Artist
Greek Independence War, View Of Navarins Naval Battle On 20 10 1827, 1831
Ambroise-louis Garneray
Greek Independence War, The General House Receives The Surrender Of The Castle Of Moree On 30 October 1828
Jean Charles Langlois
Greek Independence War Or Greek Revolution, 1821-1829
Constantin Volanakis
Congress Voting Independence, C 1795 Stipple Engraving On Laid Paper
Robert Edge Pine
Signatories Of United States Declaration Of Independence
American School
Charles, 2nd Earl And 1st Marquis Cornwallis, C.1795
John Singleton Copley
Jan Van Hembyze
Frans I Pourbus
Badge Of The Federation Of Guatemala, 15th September 1821
Guatemalan School
Evacuation Day And Washington's Triumphal Entry In New York City
American School
Representation of the Terrible Fire of New York
French School
Bunkers Hill, 1775
Richard Simkin
The Boston Tea Party
English School