Guidonian Hand
Guido Of Arezzo
The Last Supper, engraving
Leonardo da Vinci
The Trimurti or Hindu Trinity
English School
Gustave Dore, Daniel in the Den of Lions
Gustave Dore
One of the Three Kings Adoring the Virgin and Child
A Study Of Christ On The Cross With Two Angels
Federico Fiori Barocci or Baroccio
Simeon and Jesus in the Temple
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
The Conversion of St. Paul
Gustave Dore
The nativity by Gustave Dore
Gustave Dore
Annunciation by Rembrandt
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
The Baptism of Christ
Grigori Grigorevich Gagarin
The Resurrection, from the Small Passion
Albrecht Durer
John Calvin
English School
Joseph Smith preaching to the Indians
French School
Portrait Of Saint Bernard De Clairvaux
European School
Illustration From Theosophica Practica, Showing The Seven Chakras, 19th Century
Indian School
Christ Appearing to His Mother, from the Small Passion
Albrecht Durer
Calvin preaching his farewell sermon in expectation of banishment
English School
The Crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, Gospel of John
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
Death of Jesus on the cross, Gospel of John
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
The Infant Jesus Saying His Prayers
William Blake
John Calvin
English School
Portrait of John Calvin
French School
Agnus Dei Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world
English School
Joseph Smith reading the Book of Mormon to followers
American School
llustrated version of The Lords Prayer in fourteen languages including Hebrew, French, Spanish
Philip R Morris
Portrait Of John Duns Scotus
French School
Antique Palmistry Diagram The Right Hand
German School
Ravana, demon king of Ceylon
Pierre Sonnerat
Portrait of Brigham Young, 1861
English School
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, Gospel of John
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
The Lords Prayer, with the lines of the prayer ilustrated with an image of a child in prayer
English School
Jacob wrestiling with the angel
English School
Saint Ignatius of Loyola founder of the Society of Jesus
Spanish School
Baptism of Christ Illustration for The Gospel according to Saint Matthew
Albert Robida
Study of the Head of the Angel Gabriel
John Ruskin
The descent of Christ into Limbo
Albrecht Duerer
Antique Palmistry Diagram The Right Hand, Principal Lines
French School
Christ walking on the water
English School
The Annunciation
German School
The baptism of christ. Scene from the Life of Jesus Christ Detail
English School
Joseph Smith, Founder of the Mormon Church, Preaching to Indians
American School
The Lords Prayer and the Ten Commandments
American School
Text of the Lords Prayer
English School
A Large Christmas Card, 1895
Aubrey Beardsley
21st Key Of The Tarot
Eliphas Levi
The Great Hermetic Arcanum
Eliphas Levi
Mocking Of Christ, 1630 Etching, Engraving
Anthony Van Dyck
The Adoration Of The Magi, 1880
French School
Kings 9 F 93v The Nativity, From A Book Of Hours Vellum
Netherlandish School
Johann or Hans von Aachen
Saint Veronica
Netherlandish School
Christ blessing little children
English School
The Baptism of Christ
English School
Saint Sebastian, 1514
Hans Baldung Grien
General Plan Of Kabalistic Doctrine
Eliphas Levi
Study for an Apostle from The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci
A Persian Doing His Morning Prayers
E. Karnejeff
Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur
Jesus Christ
Albert Robida
The Crucifixion
Hendrik van the Elder Balen
Lord, save me
English School
The Man of Sorrows
Noel Paton
The Eternal Father
French School
The Death and Burning of the Most Constant Martyrs of Christ
English School
Nelson at Prayer
English School
Shakers near Lebanon
Nathaniel Currier
Shakers near Lebanon
Nathaniel Currier
John Calvin
English School
John Calvin
French School